Jumat, 12 September 2014

God Promises...God WILL MAKE Something Beautiful For me and my Future

Hello blog Reader..
Have a nice day….
I have a long time after I get forced by someone for finishing what should I finish it at the right now. I also think about how I can finish it until the end of this story.
So, I have a little time to write a story before I will continue my life and back to the real activity soon.
Just wait and look at what I write to after I have a long time prayed for the Power of God’s Grace then about the Power of God’s Healing and the other Promises that God made to me and my future. I hope I can make it.

Selama hidup ini, hampir banyak orang pada umumnya selalu dengan penuh sabar dan setia dalam menunggu janji Tuhan hingga ada waktuNya yang telah disiapkanNya, walaupun mereka kadang menginginkan ada sesuatu yang akan terjadi dan datang tepat pada waktuNya tanpa harus menunggu sampai Tuhan memberi apa yang kita janjikan.

Minggu, 31 Agustus 2014

Something that CAN'T be Left and Forgotten in my LIFE

Hello Readers..
Happy Sunday everyone in this world..
Especially is YOU..
I want to tell you an General Topic for the new post of my blog..

Before I was about to write what will be shared, I want to ask something to you that read my blog.
Have you ever had something that is in your life?
Something that can not be left behind and forgotten in your life?
Something Important like what as always in your life? 

Explain what is the reason that makes you can't leave or forget something that is in your life?
Is it very important things for you and your life?
What will happen to something which you have that if you have said isn't (have gone) in this world?

So far as I had ever thought about SOMETHING, I have a good idea to write a blog topic.

Senin, 11 Agustus 2014

Be Careful to.......

Hello blog reader...
I have something that want to share in my blog.
Every human life is long over and already many years, they live not only to eat, drink, nor stay at home, even in hotel or an apartment, dressed or borrowed clothes belongs to someone else. They can only live comfortably, free from any interference, free from obstacles or difficulties
 Although they sometimes don't understand that their life is God's creation.  
Let's read the verse of Genesis on your Bible
Why is called Genesis?  
In Genesis reminds us of something that never happened during our lives, can occur repeatedly and nothing is missing in our life.
We are in this life will certainly not forever good either. We sometimes have a problem, have something unfortunate and unpleasant but there is something we have learned during this life.
So, I want to tell you as I expect in this blog that I write.
A topic is about "Be Careful to......"

Sabtu, 26 Juli 2014

A Blessing After Following to God's Calling

Hello blog readers..
I'm back!!!
 I have the good idea, so I want to write a blog about "A BLESSING AFTER FOLLOWING TO GOD'S CALLING".
Please stay cool and read this blog :-)

Setelah memasuki tahun 2014 dengan resolusi baru yang kita dapatkan di blog yang sebelumnya. Kita hampir tidak pernah merasakan ada sesuatu yang berubah di dalam kehidupan, jika dibanding dengan tahun sebelumnya kita sudah sering melakukan hal- hal yang memiliki daya tarik bagi orang lain. Seperti apapun yang kita kerjakan merupakan pengalaman yang tidak terlupakan selama kita masih hidup, kalau sudah memasuki ke tahun baru seperti tahun ini bahkan tahun berikutnya suasananya tidak akan seperti yang ada sebelumnya. Pasti akan sangat berbeda dari apa yang telah kita lakukan. Pertanyaannya, apakah itu adalah sebuah panggilan terbaik dari Tuhan untuk kalian? Apakah ada sebuah keajaiban berkat yang kalian dapatkan setelah terpanggil untuk melayani? Iya, pastilah. Semua orang ingin merasakan adanya keajaiban berkat saat dan setelah melakukan panggilan untuk mengerjakan tugas. Contohnya yang pernah saya rasakan setelah beberapa bulan di tahun ini memulai panggilan baru dalam melakukan suatu pekerjaan dan pelayanan.

Jumat, 18 Juli 2014

The New Resolution in 2014

‘Happy New Year 2014 everyone.. May this year will bring you all to go the new chapter of life, more Blessing to be Blessed.. ‘  
The sentences that I said after the fireworks party is over.

It was in the End of December, 31th and the Beginning of January, 1st.
The Fireworks Party held at GSG GKI Kaput, Rooftop 3rd floor.

Tidak terasa jika kita sudah melewati momen- momen terindah di tahun 2013, kita telah menyelesaikan pekerjaan- pekerjaan maupun pelayanan yang dijanjikan orang- orang dan Tuhan dengan baik. Rasanya Senang sekali bisa melewati momen- momen seperti itu...sudah kayak lagi habis berpetualang di tahun 2013 hehe..

Perjalanan dan pertualangan di tahun 2013 selesai dan diganti ke.... 
Tahun 2014

Kamis, 10 Juli 2014

The Unforgettable Memories In 2013

Hello My friends.. Hello My Blog Reader..

Long time I haven’t been written a blog. I really miss the time to write this blog.

I must thank to God for the time that He gives to me for writing this blog. So, I have many stories…the Unforgettable Memories In 2013 which I have many or a little time with my friends especially is My Family, Campus and My friends in Kaput and the other friends that I missed.

In 2013, from January until December is really the Amazing Moments that I have, although in days I have passed sometimes Happy sometimes Sad and also Annoying. While looking at the photos on the Facebook, I felt a feeling like I flew up to dreamland. Look at there are some memorable photos for me in the year of 2013.

Special Event by Youth Kaput "Make 2013 It Happen" (05-01-2013) It was the Unforgettable Moment when I had gotten the first Doorprize :D

Selasa, 01 Juli 2014

More Extra Effort Using the English Language

Nobody knows that if you want to write anything such as writing a blog, writing a story for a novel that was asked to write in English. It was not too easy as I thought, all need a lot of effort to made readers understand the meaning that is written in it.

Somebody have ever said that writing a story or writing the Motivation Words, Quotes, Inspiration Words and other words in the English language is really fun, especially also for an English literature. Instead of only Indonesian Literature can, other Languages ​​also must be can and have ever written in a paper or a novel or a magazine or usually can be broadcast on television.